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[Soft-deprecated] [Experimental]

switch_type() is equivalent to switch(type_of(x, ...)), while switch_class() switchpatches based on class(x). The coerce_ versions are intended for type conversion and provide a standard error message when conversion fails.


switch_type(.x, ...)

coerce_type(.x, .to, ...)

switch_class(.x, ...)

coerce_class(.x, .to, ...)



An object from which to dispatch.


Named clauses. The names should be types as returned by type_of().


This is useful when you switchpatch within a coercing function. If supplied, this should be a string indicating the target type. A catch-all clause is then added to signal an error stating the conversion failure. This type is prettified unless .to inherits from the S3 class "AsIs" (see base::I()).


  double = "foo",
  integer = "bar",
#> Warning: `switch_type()` is soft-deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
#> Please use `switch(typeof())` or `switch(my_typeof())` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> [1] "bar"

# Use the coerce_ version to get standardised error handling when no
# type matches:
to_chr <- function(x) {
  coerce_type(x, "a chr",
    integer = as.character(x),
    double = as.character(x)
#> Warning: `coerce_type()` is soft-deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> [1] "3"

# Strings have their own type:
  character = "foo",
  string = "bar",
#> [1] "bar"

# Use a fallthrough clause if you need to dispatch on all character
# vectors, including strings:
  string = ,
  character = "foo",
#> [1] "foo"

# special and builtin functions are treated as primitive, since
# there is usually no reason to treat them differently:
  primitive = "foo",
#> [1] "foo"
  primitive = "foo",
#> [1] "foo"

# closures are not primitives:
  primitive = "foo",
#> [1] "default"