evaluates an expression with injection
support. There are three main usages:
Splicing lists of arguments in a function call.
Inline objects or other expressions in an expression with
. For instance to create functions or formulas programmatically.Pass arguments to NSE functions that defuse their arguments without injection support (see for instance
). You can use{{ arg }}
with functions documented to support quosures. Otherwise, use!!enexpr(arg)
inject(expr, env = caller_env())
# inject() simply evaluates its argument with injection
# support. These expressions are equivalent:
2 * 3
#> [1] 6
inject(2 * 3)
#> [1] 6
inject(!!2 * !!3)
#> [1] 6
# Injection with `!!` can be useful to insert objects or
# expressions within other expressions, like formulas:
lhs <- sym("foo")
rhs <- sym("bar")
inject(!!lhs ~ !!rhs + 10)
#> foo ~ bar + 10
#> <environment: 0x562aedec6b30>
# Injection with `!!!` splices lists of arguments in function
# calls:
args <- list(na.rm = TRUE, finite = 0.2)
inject(mean(1:10, !!!args))
#> [1] 5.5